There are many options in glass shower surrounds, not least of all your choice of door. Knowing the main styles of doors, along with their main benefits and concerns, can help you make the best selection.
1. Frameless
When it comes to the clearest and most open shower enclosure option, glass frameless doors win hands down. These doors have no obvious framing or cumbersome hardware, beyond the hinges or pivot hardware, to detract from the open lines of the design.
A frameless door opens up a space, a major benefit in a smaller bathroom. These doors are also exceptionally easy to clean because there is no frame to collect dirt or hard water buildup. Further, frameless surrounds and doors allow for customizable installation since these are usually made in panels that can be fit to suit the space.
The only real concern with frameless doors is that they can be more prone to leaks, which can usually be counteracted with the addition of seals around the door. Frameless surrounds can also be a bit more difficult to install, but hiring a skilled professional to put it in solves this issue.
2. Sliding
Sliding shower doors are very common, which means there are lots of choices when it comes to the design and shape of the door. You can find sliding doors in clear, translucent, frosted, or textured glass.
A major benefit of a sliding door is its structural integrity. Since the door is secured inside a track system instead of swinging freely, there is very little concern about damage. The doors also usually have integrated handles, which can make them a safer option for children or those with balance challenges. Sliding doors work well in small spaces where there isn't room to open a swinging shower door.
Cleaning is the main concern. Dirt and hard water deposits can collect around the frame of the sliding door, which will require a bit more cleaning compared to a frameless door. The tracks must also be cleaned and maintained regularly. Sliding doors are also a poor choice if you want to fully open the door to the shower since the sliding door will still block half the access when open.
3. Bi-Fold
Another option for a smaller bathroom is the bi-fold glass shower door. These are available in framed or unframed versions, depending on your preference and budget.
The unique quality of a bi-fold door means you can enjoy the stability and space-saving capabilities of a tracked door combined with the fully open access to the shower since the door folds nearly flat to the wall when open. There are also benefits of easy cleaning if you opt for the frameless style, or improved stability if you choose a framed bi-fold door.
Bi-fold doors do contain additional hardware, including hinges and tracks, which can lead to more concerns with hardware replacement over time. Cleaning and lubricating the hardware can minimize these concerns. Otherwise, the concerns are similar to those for frameless and sliding doors.
For more info, contact a local company like Packerland Glass Products.